And back to the anti-Sam drug of the other reviewers I think I am on to what makes them high. But I give Duke credit for the time a place and starting the look up and aim generation. And when I say 3d, no 2d sprites like in Duke Nukem.

Gone are the tight corridors of Doom 3, replaced with lush, vibrant, colorful wide open exotic locals brimming with advanced lighting, particle effects, shadows, sunshine and big, open sanctuaries in pyramids where you can off tons of 3d baddies. I read how the engine was developed and compared to most other modern FPS titles like Wolfenstein II or Doom 2016, it feels revolutionary and a serious (pardon the pun) breath of fresh air. Serious Sam has large open environments with enemies coming at you and shooting from long distances. I mean I know how much Nintendo life likes Duke Nukem, but I must say to me Sam is better than all those 90s shooters put together and I played so many of them my eyes turn green just thinking about it. Which drugs you ask? In this case, it has to be the anti-Sam drug of choice. I think these mainstream reviewers are on drugs.
3 full games plus 2 or 3 DLC for $30, what's not to like? Look. I only played the first and second one I believe originally, but right off the bat I was impressed with the amount of games available in the Switch collection.

Now although I have few special memories of my history, I have to say Serious Sam was a high mark and watershed moment, It was a new engine that seemed superior and sublime and to this day is on a higher plateau compared with the mass of shooters on the market. I have tried all types, although I admit missing Duke Nukem 3d altogether in 1996 probably because I was out after college in the real world trying to get a job. I have tried all types, although I admit Ever since the day Doom came out in 1993, FPS games have been the primary genre I have played. Ever since the day Doom came out in 1993, FPS games have been the primary genre I have played.