Totalfinder alternative
Totalfinder alternative

totalfinder alternative

All sorts of tools with the ability to “cling” windows to the edges of the screen work well with Finder. The only problem is that you have to open two windows to work with multiple sources. Certainly check out both Path Finder and TotalFinder and see which is most to your liking.Finder, the standard file manager for Mac, is quite handy. So the final decision on which Finder alternative is best for you will depend on what level of new features you require. It’s even starting to look much closer on parr with D.O.


In fact, at first glance, I’d say it’s a lot smoother than Directory Opus (but then most Mac apps are smoother looking that Windows equivalents, in my opinion).

totalfinder alternative

Especially for those looking for a Mac equivalent of Directory Opus. Pathfinder 6 looks is looking pretty attractive for those wanting a feature rich Finder alternative. It’s not as polished, in terms its preference interface, yet it does a great job at boosting Finder to new levels. In terms of functionality it’s very similar to TotalFinder. Since late 2013 I’ve discovered XtraFinder. However, if all you’re hanging out for is Tabs and Cut & Paste in Finder, then TotalFinder is the best solution I am aware of. If you need all the other features Path Finder brings to your Mac then I’d suggest running with that. In fact when I use other people’s Macs it feels like Finder is crippled. The bottom line is this: I can’t imagine using Finder without TotalFinder giving it a feature boost. Tabs and Cut & Paste are the main things I use every day. I decided I could do without the rest of what Path Finder offered. But it gives me the main things I was using Path Finder for. Okay, so this is not a big addition of features.

  • Cut & Paste – Use keyboard shortcuts to move files around.
  • Visor – Convenient system-wide Finder always one key-press away.
  • Show System Files – Show me all files on the disk.
  • Folders should always go first in list view.

    totalfinder alternative totalfinder alternative

  • Dual Mode – Display two Finder windows side-by-side in dual mode.
  • Along with Cut and Paste, tabs in Finder is something I simply can’t understand Apple overlooking. I want cut and paste, and I’ll decide whether or not its safe to implement such a file manoeuvre. I know Apple has user file safety reasons in mind, but to me this is (loosely) like the TSA enforcing ridiculous unproven backscatter scans for passenger safety reasons. Perhaps one of the things I missed most from my Windows days was the ability to Cut and Paste files and folders. Under half of what Path Finder is asking. The current price on this smooth piece of OS gear is $18. What’s more, it seemed a tad harsh to have to dish out $40 for something that in essence was providing the features I felt Apple Finder should come with by default. My only complaint about Path Finder is that it seemed a bit bloated to have running at times when I didn’t really need all the power it afforded me.


    I’ve not tried the latest version (v6) because the upgrade price was more than the price of what I have now replaced Path Finder with. It was as good as I was going to get trying to replace Directory Opus on my new Mac, so I ran with it for a few years. The best one I could find was Path Finder. It seemed more deficient in features than Windows Explorer.


    When I moved to Mac OS X I realised in less than 5 minutes on Finder that I’d need an alternative. So much OS and file bending power coursing under my finder tips and mouse clicks. It was (and, I guess, still is) fantastic. Back in the days of Windows being the operating system on my computer, I was unsatisfied with the limited capabilities of Windows Explorer.

    Totalfinder alternative